Musikk – Roberto Palermo

Roberto Palermo

Roberto Palermo is a musician who began his musical career studying accordion at the Centro Didattico Musicale Italiano of S. Vincenzo La Costa (Cosenza) at the age of eleven. Under the guidance of Maestro Lucio Cortese, he received a classical training and participated in national and international accordion competitions, always obtaining excellent placements.

However, Roberto’s passion for jazz eventually took over and he began to explore this genre more deeply through collaborations with the ‘Imperfect Jazz Quartet’. In 2002 he deepened his jazz studies at the “Voglia D’Arte” Institute of Roseto degli Abruzzi (Te) under the guidance of Maestro Renzo Ruggieri. This marked a new phase of intense critical study, focusing on understanding the accordion as an artistic instrument and delving into its expressive possibilities.

While classical training has remained the foundation of his musical education, Roberto Palermo’s versatility and eclecticism have led him to embrace various musical genres and styles. He sees the accordion not only as a traditional or classical instrument, but as an instrument capable of encompassing the entire musical expression. Through his concert performances, Roberto aims to promote new compositions and explore the experimental aspects of contemporary music.

Overall, Roberto Palermo is an accomplished accordionist with a background in classical music and a strong leaning towards jazz. His dedication to exploring the expressive potential of the accordion and his commitment to showcasing contemporary music make him a versatile and respected player in the music sector.

Klassisk, Populærmusikk, Barnekonsert
Country of origin
Based in Norway
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