Sanskriti Shrestha. Foto: Käthe Øien

Samspill på Jazzscenen

Collaboration with Norsk Jazzforum - Music as an international meeting place.

About Samspill på Jazzscenen

Collaboration with Norsk Jazzforum - Music as an international meeting place

Samspill på jazzscenen er Samspills samarbeid med Norsk jazzforum om å styrke mangfoldsarbeidet på jazzfeltet i Norge. Formålet er å forene norske jazzmusikere med tradisjonsmusikere bosatt i Norge gjennom å legge til rette for konserter som viser fram og oppfordrer til samarbeid på tvers av sjangermessig og kulturell bakgrunn.

The project started with a collaboration between Samspill and Kampenjazz, that started in 2014. In 2019 we expanded the project with the concert series OK Sessions, together with Nasjonal jazzscene and Bugge Wesseltoft's OkWorld, and in 2020 we started initiating collaborations outside Oslo. In addition to setting up jazz concerts of high artistic quality, the project creates meeting places for musicians and bring about new musical constellations.

Watch a clip from OK Sessions #2 with Bansal/Henryson/Bratlie here:
"The collaboration with Samspill has made it possible for us to benefit from their extensive expertise and network. In the last two years, we have thus had concerts on our program that it would not have been possible for us to arrange without this collaboration. While most organisations and concert organisers have a genre-specific mandate, Samspill is one of the few organisations that aims to contribute to greater cultural collaboration and diversity regardless of genre. We and many others benefit greatly from this. Samspill contributes greatly to the fact that we also see results in the music scene as a result of Norway being a culturally diverse society. "
Jon-Kristian Johnsen


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