What does Samspill do?
Samspill acts as a link between artists, organisers, festivals, organisations and funding bodies.
Samspill jobber interessepolitisk for å bedre rammebetingelsene for medlemmene og øke synligheten av verdien av en bredere satsing på inkludering og mangfold i det norske kulturlivet.
Samspill offers guidance to our members and hosts relevant events aimed towards career development and professionalisation in the cultural sector.
Social advocate
We are a representative and voice for our members, in society and the cultural sector.
We set the cultural political agenda - with the performer as the centrepiece.
We create incentives in the cultural sector to facilitate more diversity in programming.
We influence programming through participation in program councils.
6 members' meetings and courses a year.
Exposing artists to new venues.
Increase our number of members through targeted recruitment.
Contribute towards more grants for our members.
Increase our administration to 2 full-time positions.
Collaboration agreements with all competence centres in Norway.
Organization development
Good operating routines
Good financial management
Close member follow-up
Recruitment of members
Good and lasting collaboration agreements
Samspill's board
Hans Ole Rian
Harpreet Bansal
Vice chairperson
Jan Lothe Eriksen
Board member
Vasil Gjuroski
Board member
Ane Carmen Roggen
Bellali Austria
Siri Kvambe
General manager
Karstein Grønnesby
Project coordinator