OK Sessions becomes OKFEST!
The concert series at the National jazz scene becomes a festival!
Høringsinnspill til statsbudsjettet
“Mangfold” er nevnt 246 ganger i budsjettforslaget, men gjenspeiles ikke i tallene. Les Samspills høringsinnspill til statsbudsjettet 2025.
The autumn program is ready!
Enjoy everything from Brazilian samba to Azerbaijani traditional music!
What's happening?
How does Samspill help our members?
Samspill collaborates with many businesses and organisations to offer discounts to our members. Everything from rental cars, rehearsal rooms, studios, rental of backline and more!
Courses and guidance
We frequently arrange courses covering relevant topics for you as a self-employed musician.
Do you need info or help with different grant schemes? Samspill gives advice and individual guidance.
Production of childrens concerts
Do you want to play for a young audience? Samspill contributes to the production of making concerts for children and youths. Members are invited to work with skilled producers and resource persons with their concert production, from idea to finished product.
Artist Catalogue
We have our own catalogue presenting our members and their music. This is a good way to showcase yourself as an artist! The Artist Catalogue is used to promote musicians and genres to professionals, festivals and organisers.
Samspill is a network of musicians in itself. In addition, we are part of many larger networks and we collaborate with big organisations in the cultural sector. As a member of Samspill, you become part of this network - and that is valuable!
Political Representation
Samspill er en samfunnsaktør og pådriver som representerer medlemmene våre, i samfunnet og overfor samarbeidspartnere.
Become a member
100 NOK
The benefits of being member of Samspill are many, from discounts and network, to workshops, exposure, guidance and courses.