Samspill is an interest organisation for professional performers of international music, based in Norway.



Si hei til Sergio!

Vi er så heldige å ha fått med oss Sergio Dreyer i administrasjonen i Samspill! Sergio er en allsidig type med stor interesse for kulturfeltet. Bli bedre kjent med Sergio! Karstein har tatt en liten prat med

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God jul!

Samspill ønsker alle våre medlemmer og venner en riktig god jul, og vi gleder oss til å jobbe videre i det nye året!  Vi vil samtidig takke for alle herlige, musikalske øyeblikk og gode samarbeid over

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Si hei til Kristian!

I 2022 blir det en ny runde av Sunday World, og vi er så heldige å ha fått med oss Kristian Fabrizio til å være produsent for vårprogrammet. Han tar stafettpinnen videre fra Lius Baruch. Kristian

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Velkommen til medlemsmøter!

Vi er i gang igjen med fysiske medlemsmøter på Cafeteatret, hvor vi serverer gratis suppe, kaffe og faglig innhold! Kom innom og hils på oss og felles Samspill-medlemmer, få faglig påfyll og still alle spørsmålene du

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What's happening?

07/04/2024 7:00 pm
Cafe Sør

How does Samspill help our members?


Samspill collaborates with many businesses and organisations to offer discounts to our members. Everything from rental cars, rehearsal rooms, studios, rental of backline and more!

Courses and guidance

We frequently arrange courses covering relevant topics for you as a self-employed musician. 
Do you need info or help with different grant schemes? Samspill gives advice and individual guidance.

Production of childrens concerts

Do you want to play for a young audience? Samspill contributes to the production of making concerts for children and youths. Members are invited to work with skilled producers and resource persons with their concert production, from idea to finished product.

Artist Catalogue

We have our own catalogue presenting our members and their music. This is a good way to showcase yourself as an artist! The Artist Catalogue is used to promote musicians and genres to professionals, festivals and organisers.


Samspill is a network of musicians in itself. In addition, we are part of many larger networks and we collaborate with big organisations in the cultural sector. As a member of Samspill, you become part of this network - and that is valuable!

Political Representation

Samspill er en samfunnsaktør og pådriver som representerer medlemmene våre, i samfunnet og overfor samarbeidspartnere.

Become a member


100 NOK

The benefits of being member of Samspill are many, from discounts and network, to workshops, exposure, guidance and courses.

For over 25 years, we have helped members from over 80 countries!

Eduardo Henrique Scaramuzza

B-Da Sufi

Global Folk Sessions

Global Folk Sessions was a lovely way to meet musicians I didn't know. It was fun to share my music and my way of playing traditional instruments with others. You learned so much from the other participants, and immensely enjoyed the mentors' way of leading the group. I can say with my hand on my heart, that I have made new friends and colleagues, and I am already well into working with several of them. Thank you very much for the great work you do! I was so happy to be invited to participate, but GFS was even better than I expected!

B-da Sufi

B-Da Sufi

Askanu Hiphop, Baluba

I have wanted to play for young people for a long time, but I didn't know how to go about it. Through Baluba, I have had the opportunity to play in schools, meet young people, talk to the children, exchange ideas with them, and see how they react when we perform. It was educational for me and intense, and I am very grateful.

Lius Baruch Machado

B-Da Sufi

Sunday World

I only have good experience as a producer for Samspill's Sunday World in the autumn of 2021. I received good support and follow-up throughout, they work seriously and professionally in every way. I would like to work with them more in the future!

Dominic Wilson

B-Da Sufi


Baluba fills a unique and long-awaited role in Norway's music industry. There is a broad consensus that we need more diversity on the stage for children and young people.

Mete Seymen

B-Da Sufi


The culture industry in Norway has its specific codes which are not easy to crack. Many newly arrived and unestablished musicians therefore need tailored guidance and a network within the music community.

Sarah-Jane Summers

B-Da Sufi

Tidelines, Baluba

It was a great pleasure! Many thanks to Samspill and Riksscenen for the opportunity Gregor and I had to create a new school production. We worked with two very inspiring, dynamic and experienced producers, Vegar Vårdal and Siri Kvambe. We can't wait to see the children's reactions!

Samspill on Spotify