Annual report 2022

The annual report for 2022 is finally ready! Take a look to see all the amazing stuff we're working on.
Samspill works on a daily basis and out among the artists and - for a big and important cause. We work to break down the thresholds which are often invisible. We work to increase willingness to take risks, curiosity and understanding among clients, and we strive to build knowledge and strengthen opportunities for artists- with guidance, artistic meeting places, mentoring, networking, information work and presence.

2022 was an intense and exciting year for the whole of cultural life. Many felt the after-effects of the pandemic and standstill. Lack of public support made many organisers wait, and times were uncertain for freelancers, including Samspill's members.

In this annual report you can see some of what we have worked on in the past year. We are proud to have managed to complete another year of great activity, many projects and new collaborations. This despite limited financial resources. Samspill is run by a small administration with great drive and a lot of commitment. We have an unnaturally low operating grant for being a national organisation, and are therefore applying for a number of project grants to finance other activities. 

Årsmelding 2022

Annual report 2022

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